
Showing posts from July, 2017

Calling all gamers!!!

Heyy everyone!!! I am hereby calling all gamers to this.. or really any gamer that plays The Sims 4! IT'S COMING TO CONSOLE!! Ahhhhhhhh!! I'm so excited!!! I seen the announcement on facebook and I wasn't sure if it was some of this "Fake News" stuff or what so I had a look, me being a mega Sims fan, and also a console owner, I had a look on Sims website, then I looked on microsoft's website then I was so excited I went and looked in the xbox store!! I'm so excited!! I absolutely adore Sims 4!! I have all the expansion packs up to date!! I should maybe blog a bit about my sims... would that work... might have to vlog instead.. So I just wanted to share my excitement with everyone!! Happy Friday! K xx

My Darlings..!

Hey Guys!! How is everyone! Now todays blog still isn't to do with photography.. but there will be pictures, and who doesn't love reading with pictures! Todays topic is...... *drum roll*.... My Darlings (hence the title) Okay so lets get started.... My Darlings First, what I mean by "My Darlings" is my past and present pets.... to whom I love and miss dearly! There are 4 I am going to talk about... 2 cats and 2 dogs, I am gonna start with the eldest of my pets... Bandit Bandit was a black and white Border Collie, I don't remember much about him, I just know the stories my family tell me as I was only a baby when he passed away, but from what I hear he was lovely, he wouldn't hurt a fly and he got on so great with my cat Charlie.. who I will talk about next... the two of them were the best of friends.. from pictures I have seen that were taken years ago, he would always be curled up next to Charlie, both fast asleep... I would have loved to get to...

Early hours....

Hey everyone!! Now I don't know where your reading from but all I know is that it's currently 2:15 am and I cannot get to sleep at all!! Its probably my own fault! I've been looking at my phone too much! Purely because I've been reading a book in iBooks just now, which I also have the paper copy for! You must be thinking why? Why have the paper copy if your reading it on iBooks? Well the answer to that is because sometimes I like to read electronically and sometimes i like to read an actual book, I usually  make sure I finish at a new chapter so I can either update the ebook or the actual book. The book I am currently reading is called Killing Floor, it's written by Lee Child. It's amazing it's the first book in the Jack Reacher series and it might take me years but I plan to read every single book in that series! And if I give up for some reason then I'd be just darn stupid! I'm currently on chapter 25 out of 34 (I think) so not much left!! I...

Something different....?

Hey Guys!! Little bit of a change today!! Now I know I haven't posted in a few days, I have a good enough excuse, I think, heck there's not really any excuse cause no matter what I still have time to talk to you guys! Anyway the "excuse" is that I've been working. Okay so I mentioned that there's a little change today... this change is that I'm not gonna be talking about photography or something I've taken or somewhere I've went, instead I'm gonna be doing sort of a review post but I'm also gonna be asking for your help!! And I very much need it!!!! Okay so for this review I'm talking about make up, typical girl talk for this one! I'm talking about a specific type of make up though..... Foundation!! Now I'm pale, and I mean really pale, so I go for the lightest or second lightest colour I find sometimes, and the struggle is real and very difficult to cope with!! If you have read back to March's posts you will know ...

A little trip up north....

Hey Guys!! I took a little 2 day trip last month to a not so little place up north to visit 2 very good friends of mine! I absolutely loved this trip I honestly can't wait to go back! For some reason when I was on this trip I actually faced a fear of mine and got on a boat for the first time in my life 😁  I don't face fears a lot but hey ho I got through this one! The only fear I had when I was on the boat was that I was gonna drop my phone off the edge and into the water, thankfully I didn't though, I had only just gotten my camera at this point and my sister hadn't given me the charger for it yet so I couldn't bring it with me on my adventure :( but oh well my phone did a good enough job! On Day 2, we decided to go on a Dolphin Cruise, hence why I was on a boat, it wasn't very good weather that day but we decided to go anyway, we walked all the way from my friends flat to the marina and it poured most of the journey there, fair to say we were soaked, it...

Evening walks...!!

Hey guys!!! Now for a change I'm typing this on my phone so I apologise now for any spelling mistakes or abbreviations!! I love going on a walk in the evening!! I live on the edge of a village so I'm basically in the country, so I've got relatively a lot of places to walk! Most of the time when I go for a walk, I walk round the country roads!! Where there's tons of wildlife and nature for me and my camera! Since I still don't have my camera back from my sister yet then I've still been using my phone, and I managed to capture a couple of things last night. First of all is a snail I seen that was crossing the road, luckily there was no cars going about so I'm presuming the snail managed to cross just fine! It must've gotten fed up of me though considering I don't have my camera so I was basically shoving my phone in this snails face! Second is the forest that I walk through on mostly every walk I go on, usually when I go for a walk it invol...


Hey Guys!! Just writing to let you know of a little update! I have added my Facebook page onto my blog, to access it just click the 'My Facebook' button at the top!! If for some reason it doesn't work, go onto Facebook and search K's Photography Stay tuned for a new post tomorrow!! K xx

What its like to be an epileptic...?

Hey Guys!! Got a couple of things to mention in todays post.. First of all, I was having a look at how many page views I have and really I'd just like to thank everyone that's read/viewed my page so far.. I'm currently at 322 views which means a lot to me considering I've only been at this a week! And please if you like what you read then please feel free to subscribe, follow me on twitter, or even maybe in the near future I'll have a Facebook page for you guys to check out too.. but I don't know we will have to wait and see! Okay onto the second thing I wanted to talk about today, now I've posted like 10 posts over the past week, and yet no one knows anything about the girl behind the blog, so basically I'm just gonna let you all know a little bit about me, but at the same time I'm not gonna be telling you guys my whole life story, that is certainly something not made for the internet! So here goes.... ill start simple and say I'm an 18 ye...


Hey Guys, So for today I thought we'd have a little throwback!! Now I know it's a little late to be writing but just cause it's late where I am (at time of writing), doesn't mean its late where you are, it could be early hours of the morning or it could be middle of the afternoon but I don't know depends on where your reading this from! The sun has been none stop shining here so I've been spending some time outdoors in the heat, apart from when I was working that is! Okay so back onto the throwback theme... It's been a couple years since I first took interest in photography, since I gained my first camera, to which was a Sony DSC-H5 7.2 Megapixel, I have just recently sold that camera on which I would find my reason for writing this! I just wanna share a bit about a certain photo that I personally love, and a bit about my thoughts on throwbacks.. Okay so the photo I'm gonna share today I gave a title, personally I should title all my photos...

There's a problem..!!

Hey Guys, hope your all doing fine! I'm afraid I've ran into a bit of an issue! My sister has borrowed my Camera for a whole week! How am I going to cope with all this fine weather, which is rare where I live, and no camera to capture it all! I'm going to have to put up with my phone camera for the week... I may have a solution for some of this week though! I did happen to take quite a lot of pictures on Sunday night, so I'm going to have to use them for the time being along with older photos from when I studied photography that I feel the need to share :) So I'm praying that I don't run into a dead end this week! Hope you have all kicked off your week with a bang! Let me know your thoughts of my blog so far... just tweet them to @23898katie or comment below on any blog post :) Would love to hear your thoughts! K xx


Hey Guys!! Happy Monday!! I hope you all are kicking off your week with something awesome! Now onto the post… You usually have a reason for taking a picture right..? My reason is usually 'oh that looks pretty' or 'how nice is this scenery' but not last night it wasn’t! No, last night I got the fright of my life!! It was a beautiful night last night and there were lots of wild animals going about the countryside, especially Deer! Me being relatively new to photography, I seen a Deer and thought it was the perfect opportunity to capture a picture of one, so I did! Later on, there was a Deer hiding in the bushes, which was literally about 3 feet away from me and I went closer to the bushes to get a picture of the daisies growing around them and the Deer jamp out and scared the living day lights out of me! I don’t know who got a bigger scare.. Me or the Deer? Anyway, just thought I'd share my experience of being scared by a Deer w...

Do bee's sleep?

Hey Everyone, Okay I know I have already posted today but that wasn't even the proper post I was meant to be doing, this is the proper post for the day. In which I have a serious question I have to ask.... Do Bee's Sleep? I don't know if it's just me but I really feel the need to question this, is it me... I'm maybe just nuts! But seriously.. I went outside with my camera like I usually do and there on my thistle plant was this bee, and it wasn't moving at all. I honestly thought it was dead...! Me being me I love nature and wildlife so I just left the bee to itself I didn't touch it or throw it off the plant. So after not moving it I walked away to my ponds, I have a couple of frogs in my ponds and I like to check on them, so after checking on my froggies I went back and the bee was still there but it was moving slightly! Is it injured? Is it dying? Was it asleep? I have so many questions I don't even know where to start! The one thing I d...


Hey Guys!! How is everyone? Okay so I thought I'd post today more so just to let you all know that this blog will be being used for Photography purposes mostly. Some days I may post the odd review, tip or day to day thing, but mainly photography! I am currently trying to make more of my photography hobby and I'm doing that by sharing what I take with you guys! This was a tough decision for me to make on whether I should use this blog for sharing what I take with you guys, I had a little help with the decision which brought me to writing this. If you guys have anything in mind on what you would like to see me post then please feel free to comment, my photographs will be either landscape pictures, plants/flowers and wildlife and some things I spot in the scenery! Please if you do comment keep it nice and keep it appropriate. I would love to hear from my viewers and am looking forward to reading any comments that I do get! K xx

Little hobby of mine..

Okay guys, so I really love photography.. and I really mean LOVE!! I have been interested in photography for a couple of years now, and i try to get out to take pictures as much as i can, me being me I always end up finding something else to do instead 😝 I have been going out recently though.. I have a Nikon D3300 DSLR Camera.... and its just wonderful! Okay so enough yapping.. Here's a few things I've taken, you will find I mainly take pictures of flowers, plants and landscapes (those are my most favourites to take) right now its mainly flowers... I would appreciate any piece of feedback possible, please only good feedback though! I hope that you like the pictures! K xx

Hey Guys!

Hey Everyone!! How are you all? I apologise for not using this blog as much as I intended to, things have gotten tough round here. I did previously say that I would use this blog for business purposes but I'm changing that. My business that I did use this blog for has been suspended for the time being, not for any bad reason I have suspended it on my own wishes. I will let you guys know if I get back into it. From now on I am gonna put this blog to good use and use it for reviews, tips, and every day to day life! I hope you enjoy what is to come in the future and please stay tuned! Thank you to everyone who has read previous posts! K xx