What its like to be an epileptic...?

Hey Guys!!

Got a couple of things to mention in todays post..

First of all, I was having a look at how many page views I have and really I'd just like to thank everyone that's read/viewed my page so far.. I'm currently at 322 views which means a lot to me considering I've only been at this a week! And please if you like what you read then please feel free to subscribe, follow me on twitter, or even maybe in the near future I'll have a Facebook page for you guys to check out too.. but I don't know we will have to wait and see!

Okay onto the second thing I wanted to talk about today, now I've posted like 10 posts over the past week, and yet no one knows anything about the girl behind the blog, so basically I'm just gonna let you all know a little bit about me, but at the same time I'm not gonna be telling you guys my whole life story, that is certainly something not made for the internet! So here goes.... ill start simple and say I'm an 18 year old girl, I'm currently a student trying to get a degree in Accountancy.. which is tough but I'm hanging in there... I don't have much more going on with my life, I just about manage to cope with both of my closest friends living 100 miles away from me, which is sometimes even tougher then working to get a degree, being 100 miles apart from your closest friends is the toughest challenge yet..! Okay so that's a little bit into my story now onto something which I mentioned yesterday that I'd talk about.

Okay so for people who read yesterdays blog post titled Throwback, you guys may remember how I mentioned something about a memory book and how it was good for me because I don't remember much about my life.. well I'm going to brief on that... now before I do start to talk about that I do want to mention why I'm talking about it... basically I'm mentioning it because its a part of me I can't get rid of and it gives people a relatable topic to read.

Okay so here goes, 8 and a half years ago, I was hospitalised and diagnosed Epileptic, I spent a week in hospital, and had to be on medication for 5 years after that, I came off my medication because the Doctors presumed I hadn't had a seizure in a while, no one can actually tell when I take a seizure because the type I can take are called Absent Seizures. This means that I won't move, or anything, I'll just kind of sit blank and won't manage to snap out of it until its over, people could be talking to me and I won't even realise. I have been given a 99% chance that these seizures are going to return in my life.. if I'm lucky enough ill be in with that 1% that don't get them back.. but hey fingers crossed right!

More onto topic of the title, what's it like to be epileptic? Well it's not a walk in the park! A hospital trip every 3 months, brain scans every now and then, and then theirs the people who treat you different just because you are! That's the one that annoyed me most! Heck I was even told I was gonna be to dumb and lazy to get anywhere in life, but hey ho look at me now!
Take this as a life tip, it doesn't matter who you are, you can be just as successful as everyone else on this planet! Just don't forget its not just success that counts!

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value" - Einstein

I quite like that quote!

Now just cause this is mainly a photography blog, I'm gonna add a picture just for randomness, this picture is an edit to a previous picture I took! Hope you like it!

Stay Positive!

K xx


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