There's a problem..!!
Hey Guys, hope your all doing fine! I'm afraid I've ran into a bit of an issue! My sister has borrowed my Camera for a whole week! How am I going to cope with all this fine weather, which is rare where I live, and no camera to capture it all! I'm going to have to put up with my phone camera for the week... I may have a solution for some of this week though! I did happen to take quite a lot of pictures on Sunday night, so I'm going to have to use them for the time being along with older photos from when I studied photography that I feel the need to share :) So I'm praying that I don't run into a dead end this week! Hope you have all kicked off your week with a bang! Let me know your thoughts of my blog so far... just tweet them to @23898katie or comment below on any blog post :) Would love to hear your thoughts! K xx
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